Shining a Light on the Season of Giving

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In the Andean traditions, light is an important organizing element, and as we approach the Solstice and return of the light in the Northern Hemisphere, we extend our gratitude to you and hold the vision that light may fill your life this holiday season and in the new year to come.

ARI Gifting

Help us celebrate the Solstice by donating to our special projects, or by taking advantage of some new and easy ways you can support ARI.

News from our inspiring Chairman, José Luis Herrera:

Dear friends of The Andean Research Institute,
As we near the end of 2016, may the season bring renewal and celebration to your life, your families, and your home. We are living in a time filled with challenges and opportunity. May our prayers and visions allow us to adapt, reset, and reconcile our coordinates so we continue to prosper and serve our ayllus.

ARI Backpack giftingDonate to the next generation Here at ARI, we are in the planning stages of a Special Campaign to benefit the impoverished children of Peru. We appeal to your generous hearts to help us make this project successful. We are putting together 300 School Packages for children between the ages of 5 and 12. Two elementary schools in the vicinity of our Maras headquarters will benefit: San Luis Gonzaga and Virgen del Rosario. The Special School Package will consist of a backpack and a piece of clothing priced at $20. Our goal is to raise $6,000 to have enough packages for every child at these schools by the beginning of their school year, March 1, 2017.

Help us keep raising the standard of living in Maras Over the years, the village of Maras has been challenged by the lack of drinking water and poor rainy seasons. The main economic activities here are agriculture, herding, and seasonal mineral salt extraction, but these operate below subsistence level. Working age men have migrated to nearby cities in search of job opportunities. Their children, wives, elders stay in the village taking care of their animals and homes. Everything we can do to continue our water project and help to grow the economy through our educational programs will help these people beyond measure.

JL Herrera, Chairman of ARI

DONATE to your favorite ARI program. Your gift of $50, $100, or more will generate ongoing benefit for the people of Maras.

ARI Backpacks