Volunteer with ARI

ARI Volunteer Application

    The Textile ProgramThe Children’s Art ProgramThe English Language ProgramThe Christmas Gifting ProgramThe Computer Skills ProgramThe Pottery Program

    Check all items that apply, and fill in details below about skills you can share.

    Please connect me with an ARI Volunteer Staff member to discuss the possibility of my volunteering.

    I am 18 years or older

    Entry-levelMid-levelAdvancedI do not speak Spanish

    If I do not speak Spanish at the time of my acceptance, I agree to take Spanish classes in Peru (at my own expense) during my stay.

    I understand that this is a working experience and not a vacation.

    I understand that this experience will place me in direct, close relationship with the village people of Maras and neighboring villages, but not with the medicine people.

    I agree, if it is requested, to pay for certain materials I may need to perform my volunteer duties. (Once accepted as a volunteer we will give you as much detail as we can about this contingency.)

    I understand that as a volunteer I will cover my personal expenses while in Peru. (Once you are accepted as a volunteer, we will give you details on what to expect in terms of personal expenses for your stay as a volunteer in Maras.)

    For more information: contact ARI Board Member Tatjana Herrera.

    The Andean Research Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the US, in the state of Texas. The Rainbow Jaguar Institute and other friend organizations actively promote and support ARI. There are no exchange agreements or business commitments between these organizations and ARI. Volunteer time cannot be traded in exchange for any programs offered by any of ARI’s friend organizations.