We Build Community & Support Andean Culture



ARI in the Quechua language means YES!

The Andean Research Institute (ARI) is dedicated to helping the people of Maras in the Sacred Valley region of Peru create their own sustainable ways of life and maintain their extraordinary culture, even in the face of dwindling natural resources, economic challenges, and radical climate change.

Join us in a resounding 'YES' to a bright future for a thriving, collective world!

An ARI Update . . .

With your ongoing support in 2023 and 2024, we’ve been able to get our new computer classroom up and running! In addition, we’ve added security measures for the classroom space and upgraded other areas of our Maras Headquarters. Stay tuned for more information about our new classes, headquarters upgrades, and volunteer program!

Help us maintain and grow our programs through this year and beyond. Click the DONATE button below – every dollar you give makes a world of difference! Thank you!

Wisdom Keepers of the Andes Book

Wisdom Keepers of the Andes

A gift for your donation

The Wisdom Keepers of the Andes provides an extraordinary guide for us in the modern world as we strive to re-establish our connectivity to the earth and to one another. We hope you are enriched by this collection of 12 key teachings from the Andean Masters, all of whom are friends, teachers, and colleagues to the ARI community. All proceeds support our General Fund.